

Related to the prevention, detection and combating of unethical conduct in the business environment, Compliance has become an indispensable requirement for companies.

The team is able to advisor the creation and implementation of Compliance programs adherent, designed according to the needs of the client, including review and improvement of existing programs.

Our Practice covers a wide range of services, such as:

* Identification of risk areas and protection against risks associated with successions for corruption related issues

* Negotiation and drafting of contractual clauses in compliance with anti-corruption legislation

* Internal Investigations and audits related to anticorruption practices adopted by companies in their customary business

* Development and implementation of Compliance procedures and routines

* Drafting, reviewing and implementing ethical codes and ethical standards

* Lectures and team Training

* Improvement of internal controls and audits

* Contract Review

* Dissemination of good practices

* Creation of complaint channels

The performance takes into account strategic aspects of the clients ‘ business and customizes Compliance programs based on the needs of each company, the complexity of its business and the diagnosis of its main areas of risk.


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