

Area of law in frank expansion, showing that it is necessary because human relations are increasingly focused on the digital issue, we have as example telework, online purchases, courses, tax issues, among others.

Another characteristic of this area is extraterritoriality, where obviously the relationships occur regardless of where the individual is located, city or country, this fact alone already demonstrates the scope of this branch and how it will grow.

With regard to the consequences in the corporate world, not only the large companies should worry about this issue, but also the micro and small companies, can have their assets at risk, whether in relation to a brand, image, intellectual property, among other Several possible injuries.

Thus, in view of this new reality, it is important to adapt the companies in this new world scenario, seeking ways to secure their rights and to protect themselves in relation to illicit that can be committed unintentionally, but also to obtain the Necessary knowledge of the set of norms that compose a virtual environment.


Dr. Lawyer’s Name

Specialist in Digital law…